Background Information

API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a set of programming code that enables data transmission between applications via requests and responses. Developers expose or create APIs so that other applications can communicate with their applications.

API endpoints are the connections when applications are sending and receiving, typically a URL on the resource server.

This is an API that can be accessed over the web.

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a set of architectural constraints on how an API should work. REST APIs are sometimes referred to RESTful APIs. RESTful systems support messaging in different formats: text, HTML, YAML, XML, and JSON.

These are the following design principles (or architectural constraints): - Uniform interface so that information is transferred in a standard format. - Client and server applications must be completely independent of each other. - Stateless communication means no client information is stored between requests. - Cacheable allows the client to reuse response data but requires that response be defined as cacheable or non-cacheable. - Layered system organizes the information, invisible to the client, so they can be run on multiple layers for security, load-balancing, etc. - Code on demand is an optional constraint that allows executable client code to be run when needed.

Enumerations, often called enums, is a way to refer to a set of values in a simpler way. Often times used with whole numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). The purpose is to make it easier on the developers using those values for various reasons like they are used often, they are too long naturally, they have special characters, etc.

Expand the “Request” section of the endpoint. Enumeration values will be displayed in the request body for any applicable parameter.


In order to get a <Client ID> and <Client Secret>, users should Request Access in the Help Center.

There are “TRY IT” buttons in any API endpoint's sample panel on the right side of the screen.


You have not supplied your authorization yet. You need to have a successfully authenticated with a "Client ID" and "Client Secret" in order to proceed with the try functionality.

Please describe your concern via Submit Feedback function in the Help Center.